Essential carry for camping and travelling
If you’re camping or travelling in remote regions where water sources could carry the risk of viruses as well as bacteria, these water purification tablets are an essential addition to any mess kit, survival kit or travel pack. Katadyn’s Micropur Forte chlorine-based tablets with silver ion technology can be used to disinfect drinking water as well as water for cleaning teeth and washing fruits and vegetables. They have a long shelf-life and can preserve water for up to 6 months. Contact time is 30 minutes for bacteria and viruses, 2 hours for Giardia in clear water. Just drop them in, wait for the specified time and you’re good to go. Micropur Forte tablets are best used in combination with a filter when drawing water from turbid (visibly cloudy) sources.
- Effective against microorganisms
- Suitable for small groups up to 3 people
- Suitable for clear water only
- For more frequent use
- Lightweight and portable for on-the-go adventures
- Made in Switzerland
Active ingredients Chlorine Contact time for bacteria (min) 30 Contact time for virus (min) 30 Contact time for giardia (min) 120 Form tablets Shelf-life for conservation (years) 5 Content 50 Dosage 1/1 l Treated quantity 50 l -
Katadyn portable water filters are the filtration equivalent of the iconic Swiss Army Knife: Multi-purpose functionality and time-tested reliability to ensure that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can guarantee clean and safe drinking water.
That makes Katadyn filters perfect for personal or group use when hiking, camping, backpacking and travelling – whether you’re drawing water from a river while walking in the hills or setting up a base camp for a trekking party in one of the world’s highest places.
Katadyn filters are built to the highest standards when it comes to quality, reliability and ease of operation. That reputation is why so many military forces and international aid organisations rely on Katadyn products for field use in the most volatile and challenging conflict and disaster zones.